NSW Mid-Year Construction Update

  • 08 Jun 2021
  • client
  • 2021
It has been a busy start to the year within the NSW Construction sector and having sought feedback from numerous clients and candidates, I thought it would be good to share with my network what I’m seeing from a recruiter’s point of view.

Is the market back in full swing?

YES! The past 6 months have been interesting to say the least, the start of the year was extremely busy, and it eased for about 6 – 8 weeks which took us by surprise. Since March, the sector has gone from strength to strength, and it feels the lag of projects not being awarded last year came back quicker than ever. We are seeing the tier 2/3 builders being the most active and this has been across social infrastructure, government, education, aged care and health. Confidence is extremely highly and although the threat of lockdowns due to Covid still linger, many companies have excellent protocols to deal with it and work through it efficiently.

What areas and projects are busy?

With the economy growing during these times and the government investing in infrastructure, there is no surprise the surrounding areas naturally see attrition. As these upgrades continue through the construction process naturally the surrounding suburbs need to keep up. This has caused the need for residential developments to sustain the growth, along with education, aged care and hospitals - this is throughout Sydney from the CBD, North Shore, Inner West and West.

Is there a talent shortage?

Arguably finding good talent is like “finding a needle in 100 haystacks”. Although there were a number of redundancies during Covid and it almost felt like we had endless talent on our books, that has all but ended. With the number of projects coming online and with the need to set up project teams in limited time, the demand for people has gone up exponentially. With border closures still in full swing the opportunity for talent to come from overseas is halted.

Key Roles that are needed:
• Site Managers
• Foreman
• Project Engineers
• Contract Administrators

What does that mean for the next 6 – 12 months?

I expect this to be the next 10 year high, we experienced a very similar trend once we got through the BER. From a client’s point of view, it is vital you move the process in a timely manner as your competition is probably doing everything and more to get that person on board and one key saying we use a lot is “time kills”. There needs to be a point of difference as people who are looking for new opportunities are asking more questions about work life balance, professional and personal difference.

From a candidate’s point of view, ensure the opportunity is right and don’t feel pressured to take the first job that comes or allow a company / recruiter to rush you to make a decision. Longevity is vital in your career and the last thing you want is moving around every 6 – 18 months.

If you want further insight or advice please reach out, I’m always willing to give a unbiased opinion. Likewise, if you are looking for talent or a candidate looking to a new job please reach out.

Article written by Kelvin Baronet, Senior Consultant - kelvin@redpathpartners.com

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